Humility is a radiant light. It prepares the spirit to receive wisdom and the heart to receive the truth.
Humility is the color of virtue. It is not only an ornament for virtue, but also a guardian.
Humility gives new splendour to one’s own character. It is a demanding grace. It is a fortress of beauty and virtue. It is the beautiful setting for the diamond of talent and genius. It is the greatest ornament of an illustrious life. It is the accessory of prudence.
Modesty is always adorable. She lives in a heart filled with noble virtues.
Humility is a female virtue. She is humility. She is purity of thought and behavior. She becomes a habit. She is chastity. It is purity. It is moderation.
Modesty is the feeling for what is becoming. It is the absence of the tendency to overestimate oneself. It is the absence of anything that gives the impression of sexual impurity. It is purity of behaviour, especially towards women.
Humility is freedom from excess, exaggeration or extravagance. It is discreet restraint or correctness of behaviour or language. It is purity of thought, character, feeling and behaviour. It is decency. One speaks of girlish modesty. One speaks of a modest scholar. “He is too modest to speak.
“A modest man or woman has no arrogance. Just as a simple garment gives a woman very good beauty, decency or modesty is the greatest adornment of wisdom.
A modest man or woman is unobtrusive or undemanding, unpretentious. He is disciplined in drawing attention to himself or putting himself in the limelight. He is free of showmanship and pomp.
A modest person does not boast. He closes his ears when he is praised. He is free of vanity and pride. He is very simple.
A modest woman is shameful. She is not cheeky. A selfish person always speaks of himself, but a modest person is always afraid to make himself the subject of conversation. A modest person’s speech is always inspiring and uplifting. It touches your heart. It permeates your heart. It breathes love and wisdom. It gives brilliance to the truth.
Do not show off your gifts and achievements. Do not praise yourself. Be humble. Thus will all your talents, abilities, and achievements be admired and recognized. A pot filled with water makes no noise. Empty dishes make a lot of noise. Modesty is actually eloquence.
A humble person conquers all hearts. He is respected and revered by all. Therefore be modest. Develop modesty to the greatest extent possible.
Kindness is the state or quality of being friendly. It is kindness, humanity, gentleness. Friendliness is the kind of mind or disposition that delights by contributing to the happiness of others. Any act of benevolence that promotes the happiness or well-being of others is kindness. Kindness is a grace very close to the image of God.
A kind person is predisposed to do good to others. He is benevolent. He is good-natured, courteous, gentle and kind.
A kind person wins the hearts of others.
Friendliness is the cheapest of all things. Practicing kindness does not involve great difficulties or sacrifices. Smile, serve, radiate joy. Say kind and sweet words. Cheer up a person who is in trouble.
Friendly words soothe, calm and comfort those who hear them.
Friendliness is the golden chain that binds people together.
Heaven is open to all good-hearted people.
A friendly person is really the king of an enormous area. He is indeed the emperor of all emperors.
A friendly look, a friendly word, a friendly action, a friendly smile, all this costs nothing, but brings happiness to others that money cannot buy. Their value is priceless.
He who has friendly thoughts is always calm and cheerful. Friendly thoughts increase the flow of life energy in your body and mind.
Take friendly actions now. Do not hesitate.
Friendliness is something like a healing balm. It soothes suffering.
Friendliness is the language that the deaf can hear and the dumb can understand.
Small drops of water make a big ocean. Likewise, small acts of kindness result in an ocean of benevolence.
By “much kindness” is meant neither a lot nor a greatness, but kindness that is manifested in many forms and displayed on many occasions, many acts of kindness.
Friendliness is the direct ticket to the kingdom of eternal bliss.
Develop kindness. Be kind to all. You will soon attain God’s realization.