Fighting is yesterday, joy is today!
“If you want to get ahead in life, you have to be hard and disciplined. He has to fight every day,” explained the personal trainer, clenching his fists. I had won the training with him and although I had been looking forward to it for the time being, I now felt an inner resistance. The coach didn’t notice and continued. “The best thing to do is to do without sugar and chocolate completely. In addition, you do sports at least once a day, whether you feel like it or not. Tiredness is not an excuse either”.
“If I understand correctly, I should chasten myself every day and treat myself to as few pleasures and breaks as possible,” I asked irritatedly. “Of course! Success is always a fight,” the coach replied. Although he is quite right with some of his rules, I couldn’t get too much out of his attitude. Because I haven’t believed for a long time that life is a struggle. The mindset of the personal trainer reminded me of a time in my life when I was so keen on progress and success that I forgot to claim the joys of life.
Treat yourself to joy every day and you will be more successful!
Because I became neither happy nor successful, but only seriously ill, I have revised my attitude to life. Today I know that people who treat themselves well and treat themselves daily are much more successful than those who use all their energy for fighting. Why this is so and what our subconscious has to do with it, I would like to tell you today. In addition, I also provide you with a list of ideas for pleasures that you can make yourself every day.
What one joy a day has to do with the subconscious!
The subconscious controls our life. It stores many of our actions, intentions and thoughts, which we consciously do not perceive. So if we are hard as a rock to ourselves, if we treat ourselves like a servant who receives neither thanks nor praise and if we believe that we have to fight for everything in life, then we communicate to the subconscious but also to our environment by not deserving of anything better.
Unconsciously, our fellow human beings adapt to our behavior and expectations. They treat us badly, do not reward us fairly and value our services less highly. No wonder! We do the same ourselves. And also the “coincidence” of life adapts itself. Nothing is given to us. We have to fight hard for everything we want to achieve.
Be a model of joy
If, on the other hand, we treat ourselves very well and reward ourselves at least once a day with a little joy, for example, our behaviour manifests itself not only in the subconscious but also positively influences our environment. We show our fellow human beings and life that we deserve to be pampered and rewarded. This also increases our self-esteem. The belief – I am worthy to be treated well, given presents and rewarded appropriately – then dominates our lives. So, start treating yourself the way you want to be treated by life and your fellow human beings.
Grant yourself a joy every day
A simple way to quickly change your mindset in a positive way is to give yourself gifts of joy. Of course, they do not have to be material gifts. Gestures, relaxation units, appreciation, experiences or pauses can also function as gifts of joy. And this is how the method works:
- Make it your goal to treat yourself to a joy every day for at least 21 days.
- Collect ideas in advance. In everyday life there is often too little time.
- Think already the evening before, which joy you will allow yourself the next day.
- Start tomorrow and give yourself 21 days of pleasure every day.
The joy in your life will increase!
If you actually allow yourself 21 days a day something that gives you joy, not only will the joy in your life increase, but your self-esteem will also improve. Inevitably, you will carry your new mindset, which expresses appreciation for yourself, to the outside world. Your environment will react to this and suddenly life will no longer feel like a fight, but rather like a celebration of friendship.
Apropos joy: It is also a joy for me that I was able to issue the first certificates as a self-love trainer this month. You can start the interactive course with personal accompaniment at any time.