Dear Me, please stop bodyshaming me! Sure, you don’t always have it easy. Everywhere great pressure is put on you. How you have to look like, how you have to behave and in which jeans size you should fit.
What you should do to be #superhealthy and what #challenge to optimize me, your body, is next due to keep up. Healthy and #strongisthenewskinny is the order of the day!
Yes, I believe you that it’s not easy to filter what you really want, what’s good for you and me and what some illusion is.
Don’t get me wrong, delicious healthy food, smoothies and regular exercise are great and I love it when you take care of me that way. But hey, isn’t it sometimes a little extreme what we do, dear me?
You know, I work so wonderfully all day long to make this life possible for you. Sometimes I have the feeling that you’re not so aware of that. Or would your thoughts honestly turn mainly around the (supposed!) pound too much on my hip or (in your opinion!) too soft thighs?
You take my daily peak performances like breathing, your heartbeat and the banal possibility to pee for granted.
Often you only notice what you have in me when something no longer “works”, you are sick or have had an accident.
Dear me, one of my best character traits is to work for you without moaning and moaning. And I do that gladly and selflessly. But is it sometimes clear to you what I do?
For example, do you know the following facts about me?
My 100 billion brain cells filter countless sensations every second, whether in you or from the environment. I filter all this for you and tell you only the most important thing, otherwise you would have nothing more to do than to perceive EVERYTHING. That would totally overtax you.
Your brain is a huge storage disk, it can keep as much as the memories of billions of computers together.

My joints and bones are so strong that during your life I can move you a distance about twice around the world.
Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day, without a break.
Throughout your life, it pumps 300-400 million litres of blood through you to supply all your cells with oxygen continuously.
Your nose can distinguish between 10,000 smells.
As you read this, yes, right this second, over a million chemical reactions are taking place in and behind your eye to enable you to read.
Every second I produce millions of new cells to keep you fit, healthy and resistant.
Your kidneys clean one liter of blood per minute, that’s 1,440 liters every day! Pure detox, baby!
Your intestine is a high-performance factory. Only your small intestine has the surface of a football field, if you would spread it out. It dissects and resorbs everything you eat. No matter if it is a cream cake or an apple, in the end it gets everything small to supply you with energy. Exciting, isn’t it?
You are exposed to countless bacteria, viruses and microorganisms every day. They can be found on every door handle, every smartphone and every surface. But my army of immune cells defends you, dear me, and protects you from disturbing influences.
This special army can lead real battles. But Honey, we do that in secret and don’t bother you with it. You usually don’t even notice it!
Dear me, these are just a few mini facts about what is going on in every second of true marvels, top performances and unbelievable processes. No machine in the world would ever be able to imitate that.
Can you understand that with all the work I like to do for you every day, it’s sometimes a little offending when the only thing you focus on about me are some – sorry – banalities like shiny hair, crooked toes or small eyes?
You don’t have to praise me all day, but some respect and affection for me would be nice.
Let’s be good friends again, just like when you were a kid and you weren’t interested in outward appearances like that. A relaxed togetherness, that is what I wish for! We can have it really well together. Just take again and again what I do for you so selflessly, take good care of me without being compulsive and I promise you the following:
We will have a damn good time! Let’s rock it!