There are many books out there that offer no added value for your personality development. But don’t worry! We sat down and picked out 101 books about personality development that we checked ourselves. Yes, read correctly: The TOP 101 books on personality development!
We add much of our own development to books on personality development. For this reason, we consider it essential to read the right books. In this list of guidebooks you will find more happiness, books about sexuality, success or even stories that only at second glance have something to do with personality development.
You will find books in the following areas:
- Happiness/life/joy
- Spirituality/inspiration
- Sexuality/Partnership
- Health/Body
- Success/Business/Money
Hundreds of people visit this page every day. I was often asked: “Hey Deniz, can’t you make a complete video of this list? Best of all, with a few insider tips from you?” Said, done. Here it is! In this video, I’ll show you some gold nuggets of books that will get you 10X faster, more successful, and make your personal growth explode. Are you ready for this step?
happiness / life / joy

Book Personality Development No. 1:
The War of Art – Steven Pressfield
The book is unfortunately only available in English, but it is Deniz’s absolute favorite book. By far this book beats everything on the market. It is about the daily resistance against which we fight in the context of our work, the art we cultivate or life itself. These resistances never stop.
When a voice whispers in your ear: “That’s enough for today, enjoy the day”. Then you know what the resistance is. This book is explicitly about writing, about art, but this can be applied to everything in life.
Recommended for everyone who wants to live creatively.
Book Personality Development No. 2:
Courage – Osho
The spiritual Osho deals in this book with the subject of courage and fear. He has a very critical, different view of things. It may seem a bit esoteric at first, but the book has a lot of potential to look at your fear differently than you do now.
For people who want to get closer to their fear.
Book Personality Development No. 3:
The six pillars of self-esteem – Nathaniel Branden
An absolute hit in this list! Aren’t you confident enough? Then this is the way to go. With this book in our TOP 101 books Personality Development you will understand the concept of self-confidence more and at the same time gain more self-confidence. This book has been able to help many people and will also be able to help you.
“Nobody comes to save us.”
Recommended for everyone who wants more self-confidence.
Book Personality Development No. 4:
The sore spot – Wayne Dyer
We humans love methods. That’s why Wayne Dyer’s Wound Point is a small treasure trove in our TOP 101 books Personality Development. In this book are masses of methods, to all possible areas of your life. At the same time he creates a deeper connection to mindset and methods.
Recommended for all who want to change something quickly.
Book Personality Development No. 5:
The Big Five For Life – John Strelecky
What are you doing with your life? How do you spend every single day? This book is beautifully written, motivating you to chase your dreams and become aware of what you really want from life. One of the most beautiful books ever written.
Recommended for all those who want to chase their dreams.

Book Personality Development No. 6:
How to make friends – Dale Carnegie
Who doesn’t know it? The standard work on social interaction by Dale Carnegie. Also in the today’s time still very many useful Tipps to find and thus it may be missing naturally in no TOP 101 books personality development!
You want to have a better effect on people? Whether private or professional, this is your book!
Book personality development No. 7:
Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman
A somewhat scientifically written book, which stretches itself part in the length. But despite all this, Goleman illuminates the aspect of intelligence from a completely different angle.
Because: Intelligent does not mean successful. Much more successful and happier in life is the one who is emotionally intelligent and can behave according to the situations. Things like empathy and social understanding play a role here. A very interesting book on the topic of dealing with people, has thus earned a place in our TOP 101 books personality development!
You want to deal better with people and you are interested in scientific backgrounds? This is your book!
Book Personality Development No. 8:
How to change your life in 60 seconds – Richard Wiseman
Richard Wiseman is a scientist and in this book he represents a big heap of methods that enrich your life. All methods are scientifically proven and there are methods for all kinds of areas, such as relationships, work, finance, nutrition… Even though we are not friends of methods for everything, this book has earned a place in our TOP 101 books Personality Development!
Book Personality Development No. 9:
Do, don’t think – Richard Wiseman
Again a book by Wiseman, again scientifically proven texts. This book presents the phenomenon that we humans feel the way we behave. Our feelings trigger a certain behavior, but when we act and pretend to laugh, it triggers the feeling of happiness. This book deals with this phenomenon and many interesting tips that can be applied at any time.
For all those who don’t really get into action.
Book Personality Development No. 10:
The Power Principle – Anthony Robbins
Yes, it was only a matter of time before this book appeared in the TOP 101 books Personality Development. It is probably the ultimate collection of methods to change your whole life. But unfortunately we have to confess to you: It is sometimes too much to begin with personality development. Very few will even read half of the book, let alone use the exercises.
Nevertheless, this book is a gold mine and recommendable for those who really want to deal intensively with the topic of personality development.
Book Personality Development No. 11:
The Art of Being an Egoist – Joseph Kirschner
The egoist has a bad reputation these days. In this book, Kirschner clears it up and explains to you how you successfully manage to make yourself happy. Because when you are happy, only then are you able to be full for others. Accordingly, it is only beneficial for everyone that you begin to act more selfishly and think more about yourself.
Recommended for those who think too little about themselves.
Book Personality Development No. 12:
The Principle of Spiritual Success – Anthony Robbins
Another Robbins book, this time a shorter one. This copy is also suitable for beginners of personality development. It is short and offers some very well summarized exercises to make your life much more positive.
Clear recommendation for all who want to change something, but don’t know what exactly.