My body belongs to me: 7 things that people do that are satisfied with their body.
The growing Body Positive movement stands for not subjecting oneself to the beauty ideals of the media, but accepting one’s own body as it is.
Inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. That’s easy to say, but many people – especially women – still have doubts about whether they look good enough. Often beauty is equated with thinness and already young girls are taught this scheme. How can this be changed? Here are the things that people do who have managed to love their bodies.
Enjoying food without coercion
Whoever accepts his body consciously enjoys his food. That means you don’t try to balance emotions with food and you don’t just eat to satisfy hunger. One eats consciously, doing nothing at the same time and can really perceive and enjoy the taste.
- Create a varied and varied meal plan
- Try something new over and over again
- Take time for your meals, don’t eat on the side.
- Treat yourself to what you particularly like to eat or drink. Don’t feel guilty about it. Luxury foods are just that: Something to enjoy. Turn them into something special that doesn’t exist all the time, but don’t forbid them.
- Two. What does my body tell me?
Every day our body tells us exactly what it needs to be healthy and well. We just have to learn to listen to it.
Stop several times a day and listen to yourself. Are you hungry or thirsty? Do you need sleep? Are you excited or tingly and need exercise? Have you eaten too much and now your body signals that it feels too full?
Respond to your body and meet its needs. When he tells you to move, take time for a walk or workout. When he tells you that he is full, stop eating, even if it tastes good.
Find movement that you enjoy
Besides nutrition, exercise is the most important aspect for the health of your body. It’s not about exercising to lose weight. It’s about keeping your “musculoskeletal system” in good shape. After all, it’s not built to sit.
Daily exercise is easiest when you find a sport or activity that you really enjoy. Think about what it could be for you: Maybe you want to start with yoga? Go jogging? Riding your way to work by bike? Take a walk during your lunch break? There are so many possibilities!
Physical exercise makes us happier because it reduces stress hormones and releases happiness hormones. You will see: You will be happier with yourself if you move regularly, regardless of your weight.

Positive affirmations make you satisfied with yourself
It is often not the others who stand in our way, but ourselves. Those who are satisfied with their bodies know that it is important what they think and say about themselves. Here are five positive affirmations that can help you to accept yourself better:
- It is good to be who I am
- I pay attention to the messages of my body
- I’m worth it
- I’m happy to be myself
- I’m at home in my body
If you have difficulty accepting yourself, say these sentences out loud in front of the mirror every morning, for example, and let them work in you.
Body care for your own well-being
If you love your body, you’ll take care of it. Pamper him now and then with a full bath, a massage or relaxing scented oils.
Also be careful not to burden him with harmful substances. For example, it is worth switching to natural cosmetics and no longer using conventional cosmetic products. Many simple household remedies such as apple vinegar or coconut oil can help you achieve a beautiful complexion and pure skin.
Laughing makes you beautiful
Being able to laugh about oneself and seeing life in a positive light are other key points to be more satisfied with oneself. Negative thoughts do not only press on our mind, but also influence our self-image.
Do not let other people, difficult situations or negative events discourage you, but look at your life and yourself positively and benevolently. Try to laugh intentionally and smile more often. This lifts the mood and at the same time has a sympathetic effect on others.
Values less about other people
The less you judge others, the less you judge yourself. If you are (or want to be) satisfied with your body, let others be as they are. This makes it easier to realize that the beauty ideals of film and fashion have nothing to do with reality and are not necessary at all.
Instead, set your own, individual goals with which you feel comfortable, but which do not restrict you. Because thin does not automatically mean beautiful – nor does it automatically mean healthy. You may be as you are: slim, plump, well-trained or something in between. The main thing is that you feel good and make sure that your body is healthy.